When purchasing car insurance in the country that advocates freedom, please brace yourself as insuring that freedom comes at a price. At first you would think this step would be the easiest of the bunch. But as it turns out, it’s not a walk in the park.
The first step is going to an insurance agent office. There they will let you apply for a car insurance instantaneously for your newly bought vehicle. Even with an international license, they can make you a quote on that basis. But as you will discover soon enough, that situation is only temporary until you get a local license (usually they give you 2 months), which means the amount they project to charge you, is also temporary (approx $100 per month).
If you wish to continue paying a similar price, ask for a learner’s permit (theory test on a computer) at your local driver’s license DMV. That way you will be registered as a learner on your insurance status, and you will pay much less. Be careful not to pass the practical test or you will be stuck paying 5 times more on your car insurance.